Strong is the New Sexy

As gluteal augmentation numbers continue to skyrocket, it is increasing in parallel to the understanding that strong is indeed the new sexy. A full, round gluteus is a striking and potent sign of youth, vitality, and beauty. The options for gluteal augmentation were strictly surgical until last year. At Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery in Vero Beach Brazilian Butt Lift can be approached via multiple effective, durable approaches to gluteal augmentation that do not require surgery for patients unwilling to undergo the surgical risk.

History of Gluteal Augmentation – Brazilian Butt Lifting

Prior to 2019, the only reliable methods for gluteal augmentation were surgical, with Brazilian Butt Lifts leading the way. This landmark technique involves large volume transfer of fat from the upper and lower back, flanks, hips, and abdomen into the buttock area. This procedure starts with large volume liposuction, where fat is removed through small incisions strategically placed throughout the patient’s trunk. Then, through small incisions, fat is harvested from the body. The fat is then filtered and purified, and re-injected into the buttock via large volume needles. Volumes delivered can vary between 300cc’s per side to 1,500cc’s per side. Brazilian Butt lifts hit the American market in the early 2000’s, and its popularity skyrocketed immediately. Between 2009 and 2014 this operation was the fastest growing procedure in the United States. While it continues to be a popular procedure, there are limitations to this procedure, and there are also significant health risks associated with intramuscular fat injections.

Between the years of 2015 and 2018, there were sixteen deaths in Miami Dade county alone from this procedure. In 2018, a taskforce from the American Society of Plastic Surgery declared Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL) as the “most dangerous cosmetic surgery” available in the United States. The mortality rate for this operation is 1 out of every 5,000. Other limitations regarding BBL’s is that the patient must undergo significant liposuction, meaning that many patients, especially athletic ones, have to literally gain fat so that it can be harvested. Lastly, there are multiple complications from the procedure, including fat necrosis, fat embolization, lumpiness following liposuction, and formation of cysts. Because of the risks associated with the surgery, we have looked for safer, and reliable methods for gluteal augmentation without surgical risks. Again, there is no question that BBL procedures render fantastic results, especially in women with existing curves with mild excess fat. For the more athletically inclined, and for those who want to avoid surgery we offer the following solutions and opportunities:

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1) Hyperdilute Calcium Hydroxyapatite Gluteal Augmentation

Calcium hydroxyapatite is the active component of Radiesse®. In this technique, we take a total of 15 milliliters of calcium hydroxyapatite, and hyperdilute it into a large volume fluid bolus. We then deliver the bolus through standard filler needles. Results are seen instantly, and last for a minimum of 15 months. The benefit of this proprietary procedure that Dr. Durkin developed at Ocean Drive is not just the offered result, but also the near complete absence of downtime. The procedure itself takes less than fifteen minutes. Patients are able to start exercising normally in 72 hours, but can sit and drive normally right after the procedure is complete. Minimal discomfort is noted.

The most common complication of the procedure is bruising, which, if it occurs, will resolve spontaneously in a few days. The use of calcium hydroxyapatite for this procedure is critical to success, as the calcium microspheres act as a bio-induction agent, causing your own body to create new, vibrant, healthy type I collagen. Type I collagen is youthful collagen, and creation of new Type I collagen offers not just volume, but smooth, soft, vibrant volume that synergizes perfectly with the glutes. Results are seen immediately after injection, but will smooth out over the course of 14 days. The added volume will last a minimum of fifteen months, but can last upwards of two years, which is similar in behavior to most gluteal fat grafts, especially when they are high volume grafts!

Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Radiesse Butt Lift FAQ

Is this procedure safer than Brazilian Butt Lifting?

How soon do I see results?

Does it hurt?

How does this look differ from Brazilian Butt Lifting?

What are the complications of this procedure?

How much does this cost?

Is this procedure safer than Brazilian Butt Lifting?

Absolutely. No surgery is needed, only moderate gauge needles and cannulas. No anesthesia is required other than topical therapy, and no deaths have ever been associated with this approach.

How soon do I see results?

Results are seen immediately, but will contour and smooth out over 10-14 days. Volume increases will continue until around three months which is your final result. That final result traditionally will last another 12-15 months subsequently, but the duration of result can vary.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is similar to a liquid facelift in terms of discomfort. Small needles are used to inject volume into the buttocks, but beyond that, there is no discomfort or pain.

How does this look differ from Brazilian Butt Lifting?

Brazilian Butt Lifting uses fat as the substrate for volume, while our procedure uses calcium hydroxyapatite. The biggest difference between the look of a BBL and the Ocean Drive Butt Lift is that our result is more athletic and chiseled than a BBL. Fat is, in large degree, an amorphous substance, and it adds volume only. In contrast, we are using Calcium Hydroxyapatite that is hyperdiluted, which creates the highest level of type I collagen production. By producing collagen instead of injecting fat, we create a more structured, athletic, upper pole look to the glutes.

What are the complications of this procedure?

Bruising can occur, but will resolve spontaneously without further intervention. The injected area will feel firm and lumpy for a few days, but this also resolves as the filler integrates into your native tissue and begins producing collagen.

How much does this cost?

This procedure requires a significant amount of filler and can range from $4950 up to $8950 depending on how much volume you want to create.

Woman posing in swimsuit

2) Renuva

Renuva Biologic Augmentation

Filler fatigue is a real thing, and for many women, they are looking for an injectable result that will last years without looking artificial. For this group of patients, we offer the first-in-class treatment called Renuva®. Renuva is a truly revolutionary product in aesthetics. While it acts like a filler, it is really not a dermal filler. Instead, it is what we call at Ocean Drive a “biologic difference engine” that literally creates youthful, natural human fat that can last for years.

This injectable therapy will act like a filler, but in truth, it is a biostimulatory agent that allows your own body to re-create its own youthful, organic, vascularized human fat.

Renuva Injections In Buttocks

Athletic Gluteal Augmentation Before & After

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Renuva Biologic Augmentation FAQ

How does Renuva® work?

What are some of the benefits of Renuva® Therapy?

How long does Renuva® last?

What are the risks of Renuva®?

How does Renuva® work?

Soak this in. This injectable is a biologic agent that is harvested as a gift during organ transplantation. The agent is derived from donated human fat. The donated fat is then treated where all of the cellular components are removed, BUT the biologic engine of the fat cells, and their associated cell precursors (aka stem cells), are maintained. These components are then purified, and formed into a liquid. That liquid is Renuva®, and this revolutionary product provides the absolute finest volume-based result possible from injectable therapy.

What are some of the benefits of Renuva® Therapy?

Patients receiving Renuva® benefit from zero downtime after treatment, just like our other modalities for gluteal enhancement. Renuva is delivered by injection via needle or cannula, depending on volume and area treated. Results are initially seen, but then dissipate over the course of a few days. After the product integrates, patients enjoy sustained volume gains for up to six months. Final results are seen at 6 months. Most patients will have an initial treatment, and then a “touch up” injection at 6-8 weeks.

How long does Renuva® last?

Renuva® is used throughout the body, including the face, breast, hands, trunk, and buttock. In the buttock region, results in our practice have lasted up to five years following injection into the glutes. As with anything, your results can vary. Also, this product does better when injected in higher amounts rather than in trace amounts when it comes to maximizing volumetric outcomes. In other words, with Renuva®, more product equals more result.

What are the risks of Renuva®?

Occasionally, patients can develop firm nodules that will resolve, but that can take a few months. Spots are about the size of a peanut, and are very uncommon. The other risk is to your pocket book. Gluteal augmentations with Renuva start at $12,000 and head North in terms of cost.

3) Emsculpt Neo – High Intensity Focused EM Energy with RF

Literally the most innovative product ever released in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Emsculpt Neo is a transformational platform that creates muscle gains and fat losses in literally everyone, regardless of athletic status. This groundbreaking platform is routinely used for gluteal augmentation, as well as smoothing of the glutes. Using a proprietary electromagnet, this device will provide the equivalent of 3,000 leg squats in 30 minutes! Patients looking for a true athletic appearance to their glutes routinely flock towards this platform. The procedure is painless, and after doing a three cycles, patients can expect a 22% increase on average to their gluteus maximus muscle (yes, the muscle). 

This is the absolute most natural method for gluteal augmentation available on the market. The platform functions essentially as a muscle stimulant, creating true hypertrophy of the muscle mass. For patients who also want to reduce fat to the area while simultaneously gaining muscle, this device also has a radiofrequency component that directly reduces fat, permanently. For patients who do both approaches, they can expect a 22% increase in muscle mass, and a 30% decrease in fat to all treated areas. This device is also popularly used for tightening and smoothing the core muscles, the medial thigh, and the upper arm.

Emsculpt Gluteal Before & After

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Emsculpt Neo FAQ

Is this procedure different from Coolsculpting?

Does it hurt?

How does it work?

Are the results permanent?

How much does it cost?

Will my insurance cover the cost of Emsculpt?

What are the risks of Emsculpt Neo?

Is this procedure different from Coolsculpting?

Absolutely. Completely. Different. Coolsculpting uses a process called cryolipolysis, where severe cold is used to reduce fat deposits by killing off the fat cells. This procedure is not offered at Ocean Drive, as we do not believe that the cost of that procedure is worth the limited result. Coolsculpting only treats fat deposits. Emsculpt Neo, on the other hand, directly treats and expands your muscle mass. This will not only improve your aesthetic, but it will also improve the functionality, and performance of the treated muscle group. Currently, Emsculpt is being used by fitness and professional athletes to break through muscle plateaus because of its mechanism of action. By increasing muscle mass, you will increase basal metabolic rate, which leads to further secondary, natural, organic weight loss. When you couple this with an increase in muscle form, function, mass, and composition, Emsculpt clearly outperforms Coolsculpting. If that is not enough, also consider that all patients are given the option of simultaneous fat reduction during their muscle building session. Emsculpt Neo will reduce fat just as effectively, if not more effectively, than Coolsculpting. Patients are not charged extra for fat reduction. The cost is the same as if you just did muscle building.

Does it hurt?

Not at all. Many of our patients have described it as “tickling”.

How does it work?

Our platform has two treatment components:

  • High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Energy (HIFEM)
    Emsculpt Neo allows the provider to use either a combination of high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to produce contractile motion and energy at the muscle fibril level. The result of this energy delivery is muscle hypertrophy, which is the specific term for muscle growth. Correct. Muscle growth. On average, the treated area will show a 22% increase in muscle hypertrophy, aka muscle mass, after three sessions. With the itinerant increase in mass, patients also experience improvements in muscle performance, stamina, and strength. These gains can be maintained with limited, continued sessions.
  • RadioFrequency Ablation (RF)
    When it comes to fat loss without surgery, few modalities are as effective as radiofrequency ablation. With our platform at Ocean Drive, while you are increasing your muscle mass, you can simultaneously shed fat with our RF platform. This approach is less commonly used in the buttock, but it is commonly employed in the upper thigh, especially for those looking to enhance their thigh gap.

Are the results permanent?

With maintenance sessions and low to moderate workouts, muscle gains can be kept from Emsculpt Neo.

How much does it cost?

Cost will vary between treatment areas, but full abdominal treatments start at $850.

Will my insurance cover the cost of Emsculpt?

Unfortunately, no. While we do accept all major insurances for medical issues, Emsculpt is not eligible for insurance payment or reimbursement.

What are the risks of Emsculpt Neo?

The only major risk factor is becoming addicted to this platform. Put simply, this treatment will create new, natural, organic muscle mass without the need for the gym. People simply love this procedure, and their results.

The Ocean Drive Hybrid Gluteal Augmentation

The best of all worlds, the Hybrid approach offers men and women everything the ideal glute has: muscle, volume, and shape. In this approach, the patient is empowered to choose their injectable of choice (Calcium Hydroxyapatite vs Renuva®, vs both), in combination with HIFEM Emsculpt Neo therapy. In this protocol, patients can choose their volume of choice, and they receive three sessions of Emsculpt Neo three weeks subsequent to their injections. Patients who sign up for this approach receive a discount on both the injections and the Emsculpt. 

Out of all of our approaches, this is our most comprehensive approach for the best possible result. Beyond the obvious synergistic benefits, this approach is incredibly unique in that the Emsculpt treatments can be used strategically to maintain results even longer than single modality therapy. Utilization of multiple platforms also allows us to apply our multiprocedural discount for both therapies. This process is a touch more gradual, as Emsculpt is used strategically to maintain or enhance volumetric results. Each process is individualized based upon goals and timeline.

Ocean Drive MedSpa

If you're unhappy with certain areas of your body but aren't ready for surgery, Ocean Drive MedSpa has the perfect non-surgical solution for you. Our expert team offers a variety of non-surgical body procedures that can help you achieve the body you've always wanted without the need for invasive surgery. From reducing stubborn fat to tightening and toning loose skin, we have the perfect treatment to help you achieve your desired results. Plus, with our non-surgical approach, you can enjoy quick and easy recovery with no down time. Explore our website to learn more about our non-surgical body procedures and schedule a consultation today to take the first step towards your dream body.

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At Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery in Vero Beach, Dr. Alan Durkin and their team of providers deliver incredible results tailored to your needs in a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere. Learn more about the Ocean Drive difference by scheduling your one-on-one diagnostic consultation with Dr. Durkin.

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